Background research is crucial to developing any new project or mod package. Here are some tips specifically tailored to electrical engineers . . . .
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the Nuclear Electrical Engineer
An educational resource for electrical engineers in the nuclear power industry
Background research is crucial to developing any new project or mod package. Here are some tips specifically tailored to electrical engineers . . . .
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Often a design will require updating something in the UFSAR. It might be a drawing or some text. There’s a process for that . . . .
Continue reading “Modifying the UFSAR with the 50.59 process”
The Technical Specifications, or Tech Specs for short, are the documented technical parameters that govern the plant’s safe operation. Whereas the UFSAR reads more like a textbook, the Tech Specs usually consist of many different tables that list requirements, actions, and their frequencies. . . .
One of the most popular of the licensing basis documents that you’ll work with (or hear about) is the UFSAR. It stands for updated final safety analysis report. . . . Continue reading “The UFSAR”
The NRC requires a new plant undergoing the licensing process to create a set of documents that will govern its operation. It reviews, and eventually approves, these documents, then grants an operating license on the basis of their content (and proof that the content has been implemented in the plant). Continue reading “The most common licensing basis documents”