Two terms you must become familiar with overnight are “Safety-Related” and “Class 1E.” In this post I focus on safety-related . . . .
Continue reading “The definition of “safety-related” explained”
the Nuclear Electrical Engineer
An educational resource for electrical engineers in the nuclear power industry
Two terms you must become familiar with overnight are “Safety-Related” and “Class 1E.” In this post I focus on safety-related . . . .
Continue reading “The definition of “safety-related” explained”
Often a design will require updating something in the UFSAR. It might be a drawing or some text. There’s a process for that . . . .
Continue reading “Modifying the UFSAR with the 50.59 process”
The Tech Specs don’t include the basis used to explain and justify them. Those explanations are contained in the Tech Specs Bases. That raises a question: what is the foundational purpose of the Tech Specs?
Continue reading “The most important task performed by the tech specs”
The concept “limiting condition for operation” can be a bit tricky to understand at first. In the industry, we simply call them “LCOs”. This example will help you get it straight . . . .
The NRC established minimum design criteria, called the General Design Criteria (GDC), which every nuclear plant must incorporate. Those are located in Appendix A of 10CFR50. Continue reading “The General Design Criteria”
One of the greatest hurdles any newcomer to EMI/RFI in the nuclear power industry must overcome is getting a grasp of the European EMC standards. In this video I teach you how to start wrapping your mind around them . . . . Continue reading “Learning about European EMI/RFI standards (video)”
EMI and RFI in the nuclear power industry can be difficult to understand for electrical engineers who are coming in to the topic cold. Fortunately, I’ve made a video to help you get started . . . . Continue reading “Introduction to EMI and RFI in the Nuclear Power Industry (video)”