The NRC made some rule changes in the mid-1990’s that simplified a critical component of a nuclear power plant’s licensing basis. This reduced the paperwork burden on both the NRC and the sites. It also gave birth to a new kind of licensing basis document. Continue reading “Technical Requirements Manual”
When to get the best deals throughout the year
You probably know that the best time of year to get a great deal on certain items is immediately after they are no longer useful. This is because demand falls off a cliff. . . . Continue reading “When to get the best deals throughout the year”
Forget the New Year’s resolution. Do this instead.
Christmas is over, and a new year is approaching. Now is the time people start making New Year’s resolutions that they’ll probably break or forget by the end of the month. I have a better idea this year. . . .
Continue reading “Forget the New Year’s resolution. Do this instead.”
Remove backgrounds from images
Sometimes you need to remove the background from an image, but you don’t necessarily want to purchase, or learn how to use, expensive photo editing software. . . .
Access the NRC’s public photos and videos
The NRC has posted over 2,200 photos to Flickr. . . . Continue reading “Access the NRC’s public photos and videos”
Free gift idea for someone who likes taking pictures
It’s time to start thinking about Christmas gifts for friends and family if you haven’t already. Continue reading “Free gift idea for someone who likes taking pictures”
GE HAA relays in sudden-pressure applications
Fault-pressure relays protect transformers from internal electrical faults that other protective relays, like differential or overcurrent, can’t always detect. If the transformer’s protective relaying scheme is old, it might have a GE model HAA relay installed. This is likely in nuclear power plants of a late 1960s or early 1970s vintage. Continue reading “GE HAA relays in sudden-pressure applications”
Don’t forget Cyber Monday
Black Friday deals may be over, but the online deals keep on coming. . . . Continue reading “Don’t forget Cyber Monday”