There is a handy, free tool on the Internet that lets you look back in time at almost any site on the Internet. You may be familiar with it. . . . Continue reading “How to travel back in time”
Create a cool new Facebook profile photo
Facebook is rolling out new features. One of them is a looping profile video. Instead of a static picture, you can upload, instead, a video. . . . Continue reading “Create a cool new Facebook profile photo”
Monitor new nuclear plant construction
You can track the latest nuclear power plant construction news. The NRC has provided a page dedicated to this. . . . Continue reading “Monitor new nuclear plant construction”
Power cable sizing tips video
You might be surprised at what you can learn in under three minutes. . . . Continue reading “Power cable sizing tips video”
Get free software daily
I discovered a website this week that offers one free software download each day. . . . Continue reading “Get free software daily”
Teach Kids Science for Free
Educating children is vital to the growth of economic productivity. That’s because it is vital to their well being and development, key ingredients for success. . . . Continue reading “Teach Kids Science for Free”
Introduction to Mod Packages
The mod package is the delivery mechanism for presenting your design to upper management, other engineers, work planners, and possibly even the NRC. . . . Continue reading “Introduction to Mod Packages”
Hunt for precious gems in the US
You can hunt for rare gems in the US. There are vacation spots that specialize in this business. . . . Continue reading “Hunt for precious gems in the US”