Here are two basic concepts that should be understood by every electrical engineer in the nuclear power industry: redundancy and diversity. They are closely related, but not the same thing . . . .
Category: Licensing Basis
Environmental Qualification
Environmental qualification has to do with Class 1E equipment installed in a harsh environment. But it may not be as intuitive as it at first appears . . . .
The term “Class 1E” explained
This is a critical term that electrical engineers must know. It’s closely linked to the term “safety-related”. But there’s a critical distinction that many engineers overlook, especially if they are inexperienced . . . .
The definition of “safety-related” explained
Two terms you must become familiar with overnight are “Safety-Related” and “Class 1E.” In this post I focus on safety-related . . . .
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Modifying the UFSAR with the 50.59 process
Often a design will require updating something in the UFSAR. It might be a drawing or some text. There’s a process for that . . . .
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The most important task performed by the tech specs
The Tech Specs don’t include the basis used to explain and justify them. Those explanations are contained in the Tech Specs Bases. That raises a question: what is the foundational purpose of the Tech Specs?
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Nuclear power plant “modes” explained here
The plant’s operating status is classified under one of several “modes.” These probably won’t be explained to you on your first day on the job . . . .
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Explaining the LCO concept using an analogy
There’s always room to better explain what an LCO actually is. One thing that’s helpful to know is the relationship between operability, surveillance requirements, and the LCO . . . .
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